Development blog
Tag: Update
Version 0.9.5 released
This update adds some new functionality and improvements to working with free form paths, with new tools for opening and closing free form paths, and fixes/improvements to using the pen tool to add new points to existing paths. The update also adds a couple of UI changes allowing you to collapse various panels and sections…
Version 0.9.4 released
This update introduces some new functionality to replace and reorder elements in groups with the new Group Replace and Group Arrange nodes, as well as a new powerful mode in instance layers that lets the layer instance a selected element from a group instead of the entire group. Like the example video above shows this…
Version 0.9.2 and 0.9.3 released
This primarily introduces some new UI and settings to deal with length units. Internally Paragraphic uses an arbitrary length unit with can be exported as pixels or mm for physical size formats interchangeably. This is still true, however, now you can choose to instead see and edit values in other units, like points, inches or…
Version 0.9.1 released
This update brings some big improvements when it comes to working with seamless patterns, in the form of the new tiling repetition preview and the new seamless repeater node. The tiling preview option allows you to see a tiled preview of the artboard, so you can see what a pattern looks like repeated. And the…
Version 0.9.0 released
This update is a slightly larger update with a bunch of new features and improvements, as well as the usual batch of fixes and smaller improvements. Most notably perhaps it improves text layers to allow multi-line texts and adds a very convenient secondary change to the Apply Function node that lets you apply to different…
Version 0.8.10 released
This update is a smaller update that fixes some rendering issues introduced in 0.8.9 as well as some other bugs I wanted to get out of the way as quickly as possible. Changes and improvements – Improved submenu handling in context menus making it less finnicky to find the nodes you’re trying to add or…
Version 0.8.9 released
Another update has been released. This time the focus has been optimizing some under the hood rendering components for improved rendering performance as well as a bit of a make over of the main view for an improved panning and zooming experience. Changes and improvements– Improved main view panning and zooming, including added support for…
Version 0.8.8 released
Another update has been released. This time the focus has mostly been fixing a couple of annoying bugs, many introduced by optimizations and changes in recent updates. But there are also some new changes and improvements, like the ability to easily duplicate nodes: Changes and improvements– Added Duplicate node item in the node menu for…
Version 0.8.7 released
Today another update has been released. This time the focus has been to add more flexibility by allowing to change nodes into other nodes. This also includes the special case of changing parametric shapes like rectangles and circles into free form paths where you can edit the individual control points. Changes and improvements– Added Replace…
Version 0.8.6 released
Today the first little update after the start of early access has been released. The plan is to release such smaller updates quite frequently during the early access period, as new features are added and bugs fixed. So expect many smaller updates rather than more substantial larger updates. Changes and improvements– Added new Color from…