Version 0.9.5 released

This update adds some new functionality and improvements to working with free form paths, with new tools for opening and closing free form paths, and fixes/improvements to using the pen tool to add new points to existing paths.

The update also adds a couple of UI changes allowing you to collapse various panels and sections of the UI to save space and reduce clutter, for example in the free form path control points editing panel.

In addition to these new features the update contains the usual batch of bugfixes and smaller improvements that will hopefully make Paragraphic easier to work with, regardless of what you do with it.

Changes and improvements
– Add buttons for opening and closing of free from paths at the current selected pair of control points.
– Allow using the Pen tool to continue drawing paths from selected path end points.
– The position and handle length/angle values for selected freeform path control points are now placed in an expandable section of the Freeform path node, and hidden by default.
– You can now collapse and open parameter input node panels.
– Added Help menu item for showing paragraphic blog Documentation posts.
– Changed nodes picking values/colors/elements using indexes to be more consistent in how this works internally.
– Comma separated Value/Text list parameters now allow escaping commas with backslash “\,” so you can have text list items with commas in them.

Bug fixes
– Fixed an issue with lingering layer hover highlights.
– Fix connection ends not showing/hiding correctly when opening/closing node panels.
– Fixed crash selecting a repeater index using a selection button and then immediately deleting the node in some situations.
– Correctly place connection ends on hover for connections to parameters in collapsed input node panels.
– Fixed infinite loop in getting point closest to zero length path.
– Fixed invalid bounds calculations for path elements with just a single point.

You can check for updates and download the latest version from within Paragraphic if you have it installed, or you download it from

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