Development blog

Category: Sample project

  • Fruit pattern

    Fruit pattern

    A grid pattern using different fruit images in sequence, takes from a reference group with the individual fruit layers. Example of using Group layers, Repeater indexes and Instance layers using the pick from group setting, to create an instance of a selected element from a linked group layer. A similar technique and result can also…

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  • Seamless randomized pattern

    Seamless randomized pattern

    A simple grid pattern with randomized elements as an example of how you can use Paragraphic to make seamless tiling patterns using the tiling repetitions preview and different techniques. Example of both using connections to link the repetition pattern to the artboard size to make it line up perfectly, and to use the seamless repeater…

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  • Ants on a path

    Ants on a path

    An imported ant svg shape is repeated along an editable free form path. A linked instance of these ants is then added below and assigned a different randomized color to work as a shadow of the ants. The linked instance layer will update with any changes to the original parent layer, so any changes to…

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  • Line ray burst

    Line ray burst

    A ray burst of random length lines in a circular burst pattern. This is created by first generating a line of shorter lines that are randomized in length and then packed with a set spacing. This is then repeated in a circle and each repetition given a different random seed to produce a different random…

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  • Vector halftone Earhart

    Vector halftone Earhart

    A simple vector halftone raster effect based on a photo bitmap image. Example using the Area repeater to create a grid pattern of points and then using the Apply layer node to scale each point using a separate image layer to get a halftone effect.

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  • Isometric cube pattern

    Isometric cube pattern

    A pattern of isometric cube shapes generated based on a dynamic size, color and spacing properties. Example combining different repeaters and change nodes, using variations of a single color as well as using custom document parameters to control a design.

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  • Random square repetitions pattern

    Random square repetitions pattern

    A pattern of simple squares repeated a random number of times in each grid repetition and then rotated selectively at random. Inspired by the early works of Vera Molnár. Example combining different repeaters and using parameter input nodes to randomize parameters like repetition counts.

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  • Rotated halves gradient pattern

    Rotated halves gradient pattern

    A pattern made by repeating a set of two halves in a grid, and then gradually rotating the instances based on their x and y positions. Example of using a grid repeater and the apply function node to gradually transform elements.

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  • Text randomization gradient

    Text randomization gradient

    An outlined line of text repeated and gradually randomized more an more for each repetition. Example of using text features, repeater index-based inputs and using applying gradual changes to repeated groups.

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  • Textured dynamic checkerboard

    Textured dynamic checkerboard

    A checker-board pattern made from an imported wood grain texture tiles repeated and rotated at random 90° angles. First a simple grid is generated with a single wood grain image, then the image in half of the tiles is replaced with a different image. Finally a random rotation angle is applies to each tile and…

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