Another update has been released. This time the focus has mostly been fixing a couple of annoying bugs, many introduced by optimizations and changes in recent updates. But there are also some new changes and improvements, like the ability to easily duplicate nodes:
Changes and improvements
– Added Duplicate node item in the node menu for layer nodes, allowing you to quickly add a copy of a node after it with the same settings.
– When adding a repeater to a layer with an offset pivot point, a set pivot node is now also added automatically before the repeater.
– Allow editing the field label name of custom document parameters inline.
– Having shift key modifier set to unproportional resizing will now only apply this to corner handles, allowing you to do still do unproportional resizing/scaling using edge handles without holding shift.
Bug fixes
– Fix reversed spline handles when changing some control points from no handles to smooth handles.
– Correctly apply shift modifier proportional setting to layer scale handles.
– Fix undo/redo of changing document parameter names/labels.
– Fix group layers not updating on visibility changes in child layers.
– Fix node preview rendering with mixed CPU/GPU rendering elements (like mixing bitmap images and vector shapes)
– Fix connection overlay rendering of snapped connections.
You can check for updates and download the latest version from within Paragraphic if you have it installed, or you download it from