Sample projects

Here can find a couple of sample project files for Paragraphic you can download and play around with yourself, as inspiration or a starting point to learn about different techniques and functionality.

Rotated halves gradient pattern

A pattern made by repeating a set of two halves in a grid, and then gradually rotating the instances based on their x and y positions.

Example of using a grid repeater and the apply function node to gradually transform elements.

Isometric cube pattern

A pattern of isometric cube shapes generated based on a dynamic size, color and spacing properties.

Example combining different repeaters and change nodes, using variations of a single color as well as using custom document parameters to control a design.

Random square repetitions pattern

A pattern of simple squares repeated a random number of times in each grid repetition and then rotated selectively at random. Inspired by the early works of Vera Molnár.

Example combining different repeaters and using parameter input nodes to randomize parameters like repetition counts.

Radial guilloche effects

A set of guilloche-style effects made by repeating and mirroring simple free-form curves. All four example layers reuse the same repetition count and stroke width parameter.

Example of using free-form paths, radial repeaters and reusing parameters in multiple layers.

Random ants with rainbow shadows

A randomized grid of imported ant svg shapes, with an offset instance of the grid with a different randomized fill color assigned to make the shadows.

Example of importing vector shapes, randomization and using layer instances.

Wavy line gradient

A simple free-form path repeated in a line and then each line is scaled using a sinus function with the apply function node.

Example of using free form paths and the apply function node.

Power of two selection

A simple repeated rectangle pattern with an example of a more complex index-based selection setting rectangle color based on their position in the pattern.

Example of using repeater indexes and counted selections.

Data-driven chart

A simple chart showing a name, value and dynamic number of slightly randomized rectangle lines based on values from an input data list.

Example of using repeater indexes, text/value lists and dynamic packing nodes for layout.

Textured dynamic checkerboard

A checker-board pattern made from an imported wood grain tile repeated and rotated at random 90° angles. Half the tiles are then given a tint by a second overlay tint grid using the same size and spacing.

The number of tiles and the tile size can be adjusted using a document parameter and the art board will automatically resize to fit the new design size.

Example of using shared document parameters and dynamic artboard aligning and fitting.

Text randomization gradient

An outlined line of text repeated and gradually randomized more an more for each repetition.

Example of using text features, repeater index-based inputs and using applying gradual changes to repeated groups.

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